Written by mark bao xin
8 Auspicious phrases
(career approved) to think out loud during lo-hei this 2021!
Turn down for (HUAT), as the Lunar New Year approaches many of us might be brushing up on those Chinese phrases to secure the ang paos or shout during Lo-hei. However, in light of the tightening COVID19 measures in a bid to keep us safe, this year's lo-hei is taking a silent and a more dialled down affair.

Since it's no longer a battle of who's louder, it may also be a chance for you to privately make your honest and genuine wishes without having to share them or pre-record the auspicious phrases!

During the yearly lo-hei (Yu sheng toss) affair, we have offered up the best phrases this 2021 for all jobseekers out there, to huat through your career!

(Have these phrases pre-recorded to enjoy the festive mood)

Dà jí dà lì
What it means: Immense abundance of auspicious luck, smooth career.

If you happen to forget anything else, just remember this one since it's your one size fits all, be it your wishes for your career, love life, family, it really has it all! We want more luck everywhere, (especially with that 4D you might possibly be buying this Lunar New Year)!

Zhāo cái jìn bǎo
What it means: Attracting bountiful wealth & treasures.

Who doesn't want to own a treasure cave right or perhaps figuratively in that bank account? This phrase is bound to ensure those fortunes come your way!

Fēng shēng shuǐ qǐ
What it means: May your wealth and luck rise like the winds and water (akin to the monsoon season we've all been experiencing).

Hóng yùn dāng tóu
What it means: Good luck is approaching, blessings of abundance.

With the universal law of manifestation, think good and good things will befall, or for some it's all about interpretation, bonus points to wearing red inside out for that extra abundance headed your way!

Bù bù gāo shēng
What it means: Rising with every step, to new heights.

A sure indication to more abundance with every rising step(of course in hopes to unlock that career advancement too). Perhaps throw some eye glances towards your employer who happens to be near you and drop that hint not so subtly if you must.

Cái yuán guǎng jìn
What it means: Encouraging money to flow/enter from all directions, numerous sources of wealth.

Feeling stuck or 2020 just wasn't your year, be sure to scream this (silently) from the bottom of your heart to bring in all that abundance of opportunities right into the door!

Shēng yì xīng lóng
What it means: A thriving business with great prosperous opportunities.

If you want that handsome and paos, say this under your breath (maybe 3 times the charm) for the extra HUAT, this is a sure hit.

Yī fān fēng shùn
What it means: Everything will go smoothly without any obstacles like a boat sailing through clear waters.

In due of the pandemic with so much uncertainty perhaps this phrase comes with renewed security, a prophetic wish for everything to be good and smooth-sailing. It is also usually used to wish businesses luck in their business dealings!

Some tossing tips to deliver upon your HUAT
Pre-record 发啊 (Huat Ah) and anything else that's auspicious (perhaps the 5 phrases above) and of course, it works best if you wish it as keenly as possible(the stronger the intent, the more likely it will happen!) whilst using those chopsticks to toss mightily.

Protip: It is believed the higher you toss the ingredients, the greater your fortunes will be. (which also explains why lo hei is never not a messy affair)
Wrapping it up
With all that is going on, and the pandemic in the backdrop that has filled our 2020, health comes with renewed importance where it is indeed wealth at the same time. As you proceed on with all that excitement of the lohei and Lunar New Year, do take an extra moment and spare that extra pineapple tart or bakkwa, since you know what they say: a minute on the lips a lifetime on the hips!
Do also keep safe in this festive time and we sincerely wish you a HUAT HUAT Lunar NIU(New) Year!
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