Our Partners
Feel free to reach out to our trusted partners for career services - be it advice or assistance in securing a job.
A list of FastJobs' trusted partners!
SkillsFuture Singapore
Skillsfuture is a national movement to provide Singaporeans with the opportunities to develop their fullest potential throughout life, regardless of their starting points.
Explore SkillsFuture SG
Workforce Singapore
Workforce Singapore (WSG) is a statutory board under the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) that promotes the development, competitiveness, inclusiveness, and employability of all levels of the local workforce.
Explore Workforce Singapore
Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF)
MSF develops the "heartware" for Singapore through policies, community infrastructure, programmes and services, with a mission to nurture resilient individuals, strong families, and a caring society.
Explore MSF
Employment and Employability Institute
e2i serves as a bridge between workers and employers, connecting with workers to offer job security through job-matching, career guidance and skills upgrading services, and partnering employers to address their manpower needs through recruitment, training and job redesign solutions.
Explore e2i
Silver Generation Office
The Silver Generation Office (SGO) is the outreach arm of the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC). Through their volunteers, the Silver Generation (SG) Ambassadors, SGO cares for seniors by supporting their aspirations and addressing their ageing needs.
Explore SGO
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