By FastJobs
Toxic Working Culture Is No Joke, Even In April!
Many people spend a considerable amount of time at work, so it's essential to have a positive work environment. Unfortunately, not all companies have a healthy culture. Working in a toxic work environment can take a toll on your mental and physical health, leading to burnout, stress, and decreased job satisfaction. In this blog post, we will discuss the five most common toxic company cultures and when it's time to consider quitting your job.
Workplace Toxic Culture Micromanage
Have you experienced constant monitoring from your boss or manager during work?
If so, it could be a sign of micromanagement in your company, which negatively impacts employee satisfaction and motivation. Micromanagement makes employees feel suffocated, leading to a lack of trust. Ultimately, this affects their performance and overall happiness at work.
Fear / Threats
Workplace Toxic Culture Fear Threat
Instilling fear among employees is also a sign of toxic culture.
Examples: Threats, Intimidation, and Punishment
A healthy company culture creates a safe environment for employees to speak up, share ideas, voice problems, and to step out of their comfort zones. Living in constant fear to take risks affects employees' mood and their desire to innovate for the better of the company.
Workplace Toxic Culture Discrimination
Discrimination is the most common ongoing toxic work practice in many companies. Discrimination takes many forms, this includes racism, sexism, ageism, and homophobia. This leads to a hostile work environment, where employees feel unwelcome, unsupported, and unsafe. A company should create a collaborative environment that encourages open participation from people and to only judge them based solely on their job merits.
    Never Ending Gossip
    Workplace Toxic Culture Gossip
    Office gossip may sound harmless but they do have the tendency to spread, creating unnecessary tension among teams or individuals. Companies should provide a safe platform for employees to speak and share problems that they are currently facing. Supervisors should be impartial to feedback and avoid injecting personal feelings as they easily influence decisions and narrow perspectives.
    No Work-Life Balance
    Workplace Toxic Culture Work Life Balance
    Balancing work and life is usually perceived as an individual's responsibility to prioritise. However, many companies fail to realise that there are many ways a company can help employees adopt a work-life balance by setting realistic expectations and advocating for this balance. Without work-life balance, it increases the risk of employees feeling burnt out which in turn results in a decrease in productivity.

    How To Cope In These Situations
    Support Group
    While you may not be able to change the toxic culture of your company, you can always control how you respond to it. Try to build relationships with colleagues who share the same concerns. Having a support network can provide a sense of validation and help you feel less isolated.
    Seek Help
    If the toxic culture is impacting your mental health or well-being, consider seeking outside help. This could include talking to a therapist, and seeking support from friends and family.
    Take Breaks
    Taking breaks can help you manage stress and maintain your well-being. Whether it's taking a walk, or simply stepping away from your desk for a few minutes, find ways to take breaks throughout the day.
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