By FastJobs
How does having an Employer Value Proposition improve your hiring success?
As an employer in the Retail Industry, how can you stand out to potential job seekers and attract top talent to your organisation? Amidst a sea of employers, how can you attract, retain, and engage top talent to your company?

This article will talk about how having an Employer Value Proposition may be the key to bringing your hiring effectiveness to the next level.

Read on to find out more!
Let's talk Employer Branding
Employer Branding is the perceived value of an Employer and its competitive ability to recruit and retain talent in order to differentiate itself against its competitors. Just like how consumers are attracted to certain brands, job seekers can also be attracted to outstanding Employer Brands! (If you would like to find out more about building your Employer Brand, check out our partnership with Singapore Retailers Association!)

When looking for a job, job seekers consider factors beyond salary, such as overall employee experience and organisational reputation. In fact, other than being great consumer brands, many large retail companies also boast of a good employer branding! Here are some things that job seekers look out for in a job: career progression, work-life balance, good working culture, etc.
Just like how consumers are attracted to certain brands, job seekers are also attracted to
outstanding Employer Brands!
Crafting your Employer Value Proposition
The Employer Value Proposition (EVP) refers to the set of benefits, rewards, and opportunities that an organisation offers to its employees. It is basically what would cause job seekers to WANT to work in your company. This goes beyond financial compensation and can include:
- Career development
- Work-life balance
- Training and Learning opportunities

The list can go on and on. Job seekers are looking for a company where they can, not just earn a living, but also have a fulfilling career. And being clear about your company's EVP can help them make the decision to come to work with you!
Being clear about your company's EVP can help them make the decision to come to work with you!
3 Benefits of having a clear EVP
A Unique And Outstanding Employer Brand
Crafting a clear EVP brings out your company's distinct qualities, showcasing your culture and way of working, and setting you apart from competitors.
Attract the RIGHT Talent
A clear EVP attracts job seekers who align with your values and way of working. You won't just stand out to ANY job seekers, you will stand out to the RIGHT job seekers!
Increase Employee Engagement and Retention
A resonating EVP creates a sense of belonging, purpose, and satisfaction for employees, leading to increased productivity, loyalty, and retention. Your employees become powerful employer branding ambassadors.
    From our past 8 years in the SG market, we have seen the difference that good employer branding makes to job ad performance across all industries. Being able to clearly share your EVP is essential to building an employer brand that attracts the right talent.

    This has been a core part of how we engage with some of our largest clients, and now we're scaling it to the retail industry. Together with Singapore Retailers Association, with support from EnterpriseSG, we have put together a programme to support Retailers in their hiring practices in Singapore. Retailers get easy to use tools to get started on having a careers page, linked straight to their jobs for jobseekers to immediately apply, a powerful employer dashboard to manage all their applicants, and marketing tools to reach out to active jobseekers. We also know that not everyone will be as experienced in these aspects, so not only will they get guidance from the FastJobs team, we will also be conducting workshops to train and upskill HR teams.
    SRA-FastJobs Employer Branding Partnership
    If you are a retail employer who is interested in bringing your hiring to the next level, connect with us to find out how the SRA-FastJobs partnership can help you!
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