Driving Gen Z's Talent Development Through Workplace Coaching
In collaboration with SRA, NYP and FastJobs, discover insights from our recent Employer Branding workshop and learn how coaching can effectively empower your multi-generational workforce.
In a recent partnership with SRA, NYP and FastJobs, we held an Employer Workshop on 21st March 2024. The workshop provided employers with valuable strategies they can implement to enhance the talent development of Gen Z employees.

In today's dynamic business environment, organisations continually seek innovative strategies to cultivate their talent and maintain a competitive edge.

Singapore's National Workplace Learning Framework (NWpL), developed by NACE and led by Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP), provides a roadmap for local businesses to construct a resilient and sustainable learning ecosystem within their organizations.

This comprehensive framework underscores the importance of adopting a holistic approach to employee development within the workplace.
Understanding Workplace Coaching
Workplace coaching is a structured process aimed at enhancing an individual's performance by providing tailored guidance and support to address specific areas for improvement.

As outlined by the National Workplace Learning Framework, coaching serves as a catalyst for personal and professional growth.
Fostering a Coaching Mindset
Effective coaching hinges on the cultivation of a conducive mindset among employers. Central to this approach is the establishment of a collaborative partnership between the coach and the coachee.

Key attributes for effective coaching include proficient communication, adept questioning skills, active listening, the delivery of constructive feedback, empathy and rapport building.
Transforming Work Situations into Learning Opportunities
One of the key components of the NWpL framework is workplace coaching.

Coaching serves as a transformative tool, converting everyday work scenarios into valuable learning opportunities. By nurturing individuals' skills and knowledge, coaching not only enhances job performance but also aligns with organisational objectives.

Strategy: Implement learning opportunities for employees within the workplace
Leadership: Mentoring Behaviours by fostering future leaders within the organisation
Planning: Facilitates the creation of customised learning opportunities tailored to specific job roles and responsibilities.
Training Needs Analysis: Identify and help individuals align their personal goals with the organisation's objectives.
Environment: Create a secure work environment that prioritise an employee's psychological safety.
Implementation and Process: Helping employees to translate organisational strategies into actionable plans within the workplace.

The 70:20:10 Learning Model
(Source: Paul Kaeger)
Let's explore another renowned framework for workplace learning: the 70:20:10 model.

Developed by Michael Lombardo and Robert Eichinger, the model emphasises three key avenues for learning and development within the workplace:

70% On-the-Job Experience: Employees acquire knowledge and skills through hands-on experiences, tackling real-world challenges, and daily tasks.

20% Coaching and Mentoring: Personalised guidance and feedback from mentors or coaches accelerate learning, aiding employees in refining their skills and addressing development areas.

10% Classroom Training: Workshops, and e-learning modules provide structured opportunities for targeted skill acquisition and knowledge enhancement.
Understanding Gen Z Workforce
As today's workforce evolves with multiple generations, effective coaching entails grasping the unique needs of each cohort. Specifically, Gen Z employees bring:

Strengths: Tech-savviness, quick adaptability, and a passion for making a difference.
Motivations: Seeking financial stability, autonomy, contributing to social causes, and finding fulfilment in their work.
Preferred Communication Method: They favour face-to-face interactions and appreciate clear, supportive feedback.
Strategies: Employ an informal, collaborative approach, avoiding condescension.
The Cognitive Apprenticeship Approach
(Source: Dr. Serhat Kurt)
Drawing from traditional apprenticeships, the Cognitive Apprenticeship Approach involves:

Modeling: Coach accurately performs job tasks, serving as a role model.
Coaching: Coachee is guided to meet specific performance standards.
Scaffolding: Gaps in knowledge and skills are identified and addressed using suitable coaching platforms.
Articulation: Coachee explains the rationale behind each task step, making their thought process visible.
Reflection: Coachee reflects on their competency development and experiences, identifying facilitating and hindering factors.
Exploration: Coachee seeks opportunities for further development and growth.
Understanding the Gen Z Workforce: Insights and Expectations
Incorporating insights from NYP students in their Year 2 School Course, gleaned through Q&A sessions with retail employers on-site, provides valuable perspectives on the expectations and concerns of the Gen Z workforce.
In conclusion, effective coaching tailored to the needs of the multi-generational workforce, especially Gen Z, is crucial for talent development and organisational success.

Once again, we would like to thank SRA and NYP for the insightful workshop series. Stay tuned for future events and career resources like this!

Exclusively for Retail Employers: Eager to enhance your coaching skills and empower your workforce? Sign up for our SRA Employer Branding Starting Pack to access complimentary workshops tailored to your needs.
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